Blue Light

Currently, wide application of phototherapy for treating people is based on laws of photochemistry, photobiology and fundamental theory which explain interactions of biological solutions and liquids in man’s organism with incident and absorbed flows of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light.

Though there are confirmed curative effects of optical irradiation on blood and other biological liquids, there is still a need to further study effects of light on watercontaining tissues, organs and systems in man.

Medical and preventive effects of blue light.

Bactericidal and immunostimulatory effect of blue light is connected with excitation cellular chromatophore and formation of active forms of oxygen , making active phagocytosis, neutralised pathogenic activators. It is established that for reception of this effect of enough light energy from 0.04 J on kg of weight of the patient.

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Blue Light

Blue Light

Currently, wide application of phototherapy for treating people is based on laws of photochemistry, photobiology and fundamental theory which explain interactions of biological solutions and liquids in man’s organism with incident and absorbed flows of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light.

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